A Long Trip








John Kirchens, Hugo Rocheta Dos Barros

Alexis Geitmann

Max Seethaler


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Eugene & Muun - A Long Trip EP

Embark on a mesmerizing journey with Eugene and Muun's captivating release, "A Long Trip EP." This enchanting collaboration weaves together organic instruments and ambient soundscapes, transporting listeners to a dreamlike state of sonic wonderland.

Throughout the EP, Eugene and Muun skillfully combine delicate melodies, lush textures, and intricate rhythms, creating a tranquil and introspective atmosphere. The organic instruments blend harmoniously with the ethereal soundscapes, resulting in a seamless fusion of natural and electronic elements.

As you immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of "A Long Trip EP," you'll find yourself drifting into moments of relaxation and contemplation. The music invites you to let go of the outside world and explore the depths of your own thoughts and emotions.

Whether you're seeking a peaceful escape, a moment of introspection, or simply a sonic experience that transports you to new realms, "A Long Trip EP" by Eugene and Muun is the perfect companion. Let their mesmerizing blend of organic instruments and ambient soundscapes guide you on a sonic journey like no other.